Grow Opportunity

News Cultivation International Research
Which is better for a commercial grow, seeds or clones?

August 8, 2023  By Grow Opportunity Staff

New Frontier Data, the leading data and analytics firm serving the regulated cannabis industry is conducting a survey for licensed producers to find out more about preferences when starting crops from either seeds or clones.

“Commercial cultivators have thought deeply about this topic, and we want to hear from them and better understand why they choose one or the other,” said Dr. Amanda Reiman, chief knowledge officer for New Frontier Data.

The survey team is specifically interested in hearing from Canadian producers because there is an interest in knowing how their methods differ from producers in the United States.

“As cannabis becomes a global commodity, understanding the production differences from country to country will be important to the growth of the cultivation side of the industry,” Reiman said.


The survey can be accessed here, and those participating will receive a summary of the results from their region, as well as be entered into a raffle to win a $100 Amazon gift card.

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