Grow Opportunity

News Business Management
Paul McCarthy appointed as president of the Cannabis Council of Canada

April 2, 2024  By Grow Opportunity Staff

The Cannabis Council of Canada (C3) is pleased to announce the appointment of Paul McCarthy as its new president, effective immediately.

McCarthy brings over two decades of experience in public sector roles to C3, both as a public servant and senior political advisor supporting Ministries such as Labour, Housing & Homelessness, Industry, Environment and Veterans Affairs. He also held senior roles with a prominent Canadian licensed producer, focused on international market development and corporate policy compliance. McCarthy brings a profound understanding of government workings and policy to C3.

“There is great potential for the cannabis sector to flourish in Canada. It can contribute to the country’s productivity and provide good-paying, sustainable jobs. That, however, can only be achieved through a reformed regulatory regime and the eradication of the illicit market. I look forward to working collaboratively with government and other stakeholders to make this industry the success story it can be.” — Paul McCarthy, president of C3


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