Grow Opportunity

Virtual Summits
Virtual Grower Day | Cannabis
August 19, 2020 at 1:00pm EDT


Tom’s Tumbler is the Original Bladeless Trimmer, invented in 2013.  Tom Bruggemann, Owner and Inventor, combines innovation, insight, and 25+ years of growing experience to develop the fastest, most gentle trimmers on the market today.  Tom has his hand on the heartbeat of grower’s trends with headquarters located in Los Angeles, California.  Tom’s trimmers are made in the United States, sold in Hydroponic stores throughout the world and in premium medical cannabis facilities.

He has trimmers capable of trimming 6 pounds an hour, up to the largest Python 1200, continuous feed, industrial hemp model that can trim 1,200 pounds per hour.  Every size grower is important to Tom.

From the batch machines to the continuous feed Python models, the technology and outcome remains the same.  His patented tumble technology utilizes the friction of flower against flower to trim each other which produces a gentle hand trim quality bud.

Watch the technology and outcome of the PYTHON 400, by clicking the link below. The PYTHON 400 was created with the large THC growers in mind.

There are currently 3 PYTHON models, PYTHON 400, PYTHON 600 AND PYTHON 1200.  The PYTHON1200 was created for the large industrial hemp grower and a video of it trimming 1,200 lb/hr can be viewed here:

The trimmers are fast and get the job done quickly, but you’ll be even more impressed with your ROI.

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